Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I would really HATE to be addicted to anything really.
I was in the car with my dad today, after he asked my mom to buy him some cigarettes, and she didn't buy them. She asked "is 4.49 expensive? because I thought it was" and my dad response is "no"
Really? My dad smokes a pack a day. That's almost 5 bucks a day, 5 bucks that could be going to so many other things, like LUNCH MONEY!!! I don't get lunch money, that's my responsibility I guess, and he gets that EVERY DAY along with money for his lunch. Amazing how an addiction can really make your priorities different from other peoples.

Addictions are just time consuming, and consuming of other things such as money and patience. This makes me really appreciate the Mormons. I don't want to get religious on you or anything, but they stay away form things to prevent addiction since it's a sin, and I think this is REALLY smart, not just as a religious practice, but for taking care of yourself. YOU GOOOOOOOO!

But as I was thinking of this, and shared with someone how I would hate to have an addiction, and he DAZZLED me with what he said about addictions. He acknowledged how bad they could be, but also how he would LOOOOVE to be addicted to someones love. I had never viewed addiction in this way before. I always think of addictions in a negative connotation, and for once, I was opened up into a whole new possibility. Addictions for the better. We all need more of these. Get addicted to picking up after ourselves. Get addicted to making someone feel special. Get addicted to something that makes you better that you already are. This was probably one of my most worth while conversations this week.

It's amazing how someone can really open your eyes to something new. I live for this. My addiction? Gaining something new from the people I surround myself with, gain perspective, and find more people to DAZZLE me.