Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I definitely don't know what kinda girl I am. I'm not a cute girl, i'm not a "ghetto" girl, I'm not a preppy girl, i'm not a creeper girl. I dont' know what girl I am. I do know I"m a girl, and I do know that i'm not really one sided. I'm a little bit of everything i think, and as cliche as that sounds, I really believe it. I'm into different things like dancing, and tuba, and swimming, and reading, and writing, and myspacing, ice skating, flying kites, everything.

This makes everything make sense to me. I have different kinds of friends or people I like to talk to, I don't really have a certain type of boy, i'm no one's ideal girl because I'm so blahhh, I enjoy everything and everyone, and I'm pretty much down for whatever.

I don't know why I feel so different, so un-categorical, and so cool in my own way. I'm unpredictable, and I never know how I'm going to be in another month.

I just got back from playing frisbee in parking lots and had the best time EVER! I really hope that someday, I feel a little bit more normal, but I think that If I don't, i'll be okay with it, because right now I'm doing just fine.

I don't think I make sense at all. I'm a constant contradiction, I'm the jumbo shrimp of the crowd. What I do, who I chill with, who I date, well, none of that makes a lot of sense, and sometimes I get anxiety about it. I think someday, it'll all catch up, and I'll realize that everything that I've done makes no sense, and I shouldn't be with the people I'm with. I think it'll catch up with me, but i sure hope not. I like having people DIFFERENT than me in my life, and I like trying to figure things out, and seeing how everything plays out.

The only thing that I think ever makes or has ever made sense is Esaies and I. We are the same, and I don't know how, but we are, and it's awesome. WE"RE AWESOME. I'm so thankful for a friend like him. He makes everything so much better ALWAYS. I want us to be friends FOR-EV-ER!

Other than that, I'm just funky. I always have been, and probably always will be. It's not always a good feeling, but most of the time yes. I'm comfortable with the funk.