Thursday, January 20, 2011


it's done.
I can't write a chapter for this, because I can't say I'm not hopeful that this isn't really the end. I don't know how to be. the end.

Monday, November 8, 2010

the next chapter

Reguardless of how we got there, we're trying again. The nest chapter started in September, the 14th, but we claim the 12th. We have our history, and like always, i'm really trying to work past it, but so is he. There are times that we laugh, times when tears still fall from my eyes, but i love him just the same, and my heart's been damaged, a few times too much, however some how I picked up, and I'm doing just fine.

We still talk of the events, the complications that followed, the things we'll only share, but now talked about with emotions more hollowed. Because we still struggle and reach to what can be grasped, but this time we're more careful, more equipped for the task. And even though it's been anything but easy, not anything worth bragging about, we're still trekking on. And maybe sometimes we may ask why we do it, why we're willing to go to such lengths, and sometimes it may not be always answered, but sometimes it is answered, and i'm sure our answers are very different, but we're here, so they must have some worth.

The truth is, if our path laid ahead of us is long, if we remain together even through this, then we'll know it wasn't all for nothing. Because this chapter, perhaps our hardest, the make it or break it chapter, this is where we are. We will have good days, like we consistently had before, and we'll have bad days, something new and unlike we've ever dealt with. You may get asked why you're with a "nerd," "band geek" or whatever social stigmas i may carry with me, and i might get asked why I stay with someone who did the unimaginable, but as long as we're not too embarrassed about these things, these things that may raise eyebrows and confuse us and others, then we'll be in pretty alright shape. My heart, as always, is still for you, and I know you know that, because I've proved it time and time again.

Our story still continues, despite everything, including my predictions, and I'm willing to stick around for the next chapter, to write out our next chapter, provided you are too.

Marcus Gonzales, I love you, and I don't know what else to say, and I don't know how else to feel. Every day of your life, i hope you haven't even the slightest doubt in your mind, because I know I don't. this IS life for me, and I can't say I didn't pick it.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I'm gonna make this!

para Marcus.

Monday, September 6, 2010

And here we are...

school has started.

I want my face in the books.
I want my life back.
I want to make friends.

I keep talking over with myself, why do I try so hard for someone who hardly trys? well, although that's love on my part, maybe not on the other end.

I don't want to try to keep up, and try to stay someone's choice by doing things i don't want to do. I want to be myself, and have someone adore that. I want to feel that maybe what I need is a good friend. I want that for myself. I just need someone dependable, who will love me, and and respect me, and we'll be golden. I promise, I'm a good friend.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Summer '10

And it seems like nothing will ever just be nice to me.
I'll be nothing short of awesome, and that essentially gets me no where, other than on good terms with myself. But maybe that's what I should be working for. I should be working towards doing good things for myself.

This summer, this past relationship, i've learned a few things. One of the most important being that I can be beyond amazing to someone, give them everything I have to offer, but that will never be an affective way to sway someone. Because the truth is, if I feel I have to do that to keep someone around, if I feel they don't like me enough on my own, without me dishing out everything, then no amount of spoiling will make a difference. It's just not how that works. At the end of the day, if another person doesn't want to be with me, and only me, then they won't be. They will cheat if they want, to get a quick fix, they will flirt and tease other girls, they will not give you their all. That's all very discouraging, yes, but I don't think I would want anyone else to sugar coat this for me; It's simply fact weather i want it to work that way or not.

Another lesson, well, people don't care. And the people who don't care about you, shouldn't mean anything to you. If they know what they are doing will hurt you, and they do it anyway, well, that means they don't care. I had three, maybe more, have their actions show that they don't care about me. Well, I wish it was as simple as saying, "fuck off" but it's not, because these are all people that I care about, people that I had nothing but positive feelings for. The people who fucked my life, they were all people that I wanted around, so it's hard to just say that.

And as for myself, what I learned about myself is that I am always going to be slightly disadvantaged. My heart is so big, and so broken now, but I can never stop being who I am. Who is that? A loving, sweet, helpless, dependent, girl. I will never stop having love in my heart for people. I could have someone spit in my face, but if they are in a time of need, I would drop almost anything to help them out. I could be warned of the doucher guys, but somehow find my way into their arms. I can not be a single, and be whole. I have to have a counterpart to complete me, to bring out the best in me, and that doesn't necessarily mean a boyfriend, but a friend, just someone to be with. All these things always seem to lead me to my downfall, but you know what, someday I hope that it won't.

I don't want to be any other way than I am now. Because I will always show that I only have good intentions for everyone, and I like that. I would rather be known as a sweet heart, and do things that I know are good, and feel good about what I do, than be known as a bitch, a heart breaker, soulless, and not knowing what to feel good about. I want to know that what I do will not be looked down on. I want to be proud of my actions, always, and that's what is now important to me.

Of course, I want marcus in my life, and I begged him to take me back, and did what I felt would get him to stay with me, but will I be proud of that decision? Because I am now looked down on by so many people, and they don't understand what I do, and why I do it. Well, yes, I am proud of my decisions, because despite all of them telling me how I'll get hurt again, and how stupid I am, I know what I want to do, and nothing anyone will say will change the love I have in my heart for him. I am proud that I can do what I want, despite what people say, because I want to do it. And everything I've done shows exactly who I want to be, sweet, loving, and hopeful.

You may say he doesn't love me, and believe me, I've battled that argument in my mind, in my writing, with other people, time and time again, and maybe he doesn't, but I know that my feelings are genuine. So do I like getting kicked in the ass, in the heart, everytime i'm with him? well, the truth is, no. But for my love to still exist through the kicks in the ass, well, I think that says I'm either sick in the head, in love, or have the lowest self worth imaginable. Take it as you will.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

poem. =]

I can't promise you I'll always be slender
and I can't say I'll never be under the weather
I am not definite forever.
So If there comes a time when I break the mold that was your perfect girl
If I don't come across as the prize inside the clam, a pearl
It's not the end of the world.
Because I may seem like your safest bet, but I know better than that.
But if you decide that you're not done, and I'm still allowed around,
that a love even slightly greater will not ever be found,
I will hold no treaties, but I will always try with you.
but only with you.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The end.

You always told me that story of the first time your brown eyes saw me. You recalled this meeting to every last detail in the most vivid manor; You knew what I was wearing, who I was with, and what I ordered at that empty sandwich shoppe. To me, it always sounded so unreal, because I couldn't begin to imagine that it was possible to take such flawless mental notes, and remember them, especially for a complete stranger.

You told this story so often, I could just about steal each word before your lips and tongue had time enough to form each word. But I guess I'm also partly to blame for how frequent these words were recited from your memory, because I would ask to hear this story. And during this story, my eyes would widen from amazement, my longing hands would weasel their way over to yours to interlock, and I would strategically kiss your neck, just below your jaw line, so you could tell the story without interruption.

The story always started with the sandwich shop scene. I walked in, as you recall, with a friend; I was wearing a purple shirt, my hair long, and all I ordered was a smoothie. You would tell me what you though, like how you said to yourself "I have to meet her" and "that girl is perfect", and "she's so beautiful." Then you'd go into the events that followed such as coming to my house, our brief "dating," and everything that brought us to each other. I'm convinced to anyone else, this story would fall short of all their expectations, but it filled my every last one.

That is until the day our story took a tragic turn, crash, and burn. I will always speak the story of my first love, Marcus Gonzales. It starts with your story, when you first saw me, and you telling me my fairytale, but never ending the way it could have, probably should have, something I had definite faith in. At the end of the story, my heart broke. You had given something only we were to share to three other girls. As anyone could imagine, my tears were a heavy down pour, and I wished for my eyes to experience a drought. My self worth was demolished beyond recognition, paralleling my pride. I could no longer figure out who I was, what I stood for, and where I was going. Everything lead me to no clue of what to do next, which path to choose, and even which paths were there, and how to find them.

My dearest Marcus cheated on me, Anna Preston, and it was never understood why. My love was so abundant, enough to last us both until neither of our hearts were beating, and where was it to go? He was the only one this love was intended for, the sole motivation for the creation of this feeling. So this is now my struggle, my night terror. Where will this love go if my pride, my value, my fears don't allow me to deliver this love anymore? What will I do? What will become of me? How will I live? Well, I guess that's where the next story begins.