Friday, September 11, 2009

But this guy, he's different...

just about the most cliche statement known to the female mouth.
I don't understand what they mean by different.
Okay, so what are we at, 6 billion people in the world? And somehow girls think that find an "original." Uhhh, i find this highly unlikely. I think everyone is a little unique, but there is always going to be someone out there who is almost the exact same, as much as you try to deny it. How different can someone be anyway? And if he's so different, how did you manage to snatch that one?

Even if you don't think you can get anymore cliche than that, here comes the winner..."all guys are the same." Bull fuckin' shit dude. I know i just said that there is no originals really, but this statement is so degrading to males. Honestly, it's like sexism to me. Clumping all guys into one group saying that all they want is sex is such a lie. I can say I've met some of the sweetest guys ever, and that that is not their only motive. Sure, it may be one, but it's not every guys priority. I think I've actually met more girls who are like that then boys.

I hate grouping people up, as if they don't have a story. You can't clump up something as broad as a sex, and give it a huge title. It just doesn't work that way, and if you think about it mathmatically, the chances of getting all the males in the world to be the same, or have one thing they all have in common, is very little to none.

I've been slacking on writing, I know. I've been busy. but don't you worry, I have plenty of ideas I can just go on and on about.