Monday, April 27, 2009

it's true.

27 April 2009

I am pretty mature. I had someone say I'm the most mature person they know, even accused me of being an old lady in disguise, and I'm sure having arthritis didn't help my case when I said it was false, but what is it that is maturity?
To me, it's more of a thinking process. You know how to weed out the good ideas from the bad ones. You know when you shouldn't do something, but that's only half the battle. Then comes the thinking, "well, should I do it anyways just for the hell of it?" Maturity is looking out for your best interests, looking out for others best interests, and thinking through your actions not because you have to, or know you should, but because you genuinely care.
Maturity to others, well, I don't think I quite understand. From what I get from others is maturity is being "grown up" or whatever that's suppose to mean. Maturity is not joking around. Maturity is living without consulting your family or parents. I think all of this is just some warped perception of how grown ups really are. To me, it's all shit. I've seen some very immature parents, raising kids who think being grown up is being like their parents, and so the cycle of stupidity begins. If more developing people had real people to look up to, I swear the world would be a whole lot different.

So what causes people to mature? What is it that makes a child an adult, mentally? Why is it that some people never mature and are stuck in the child stage? I have so many questions, and no answers to them. I know there is probably something scientific like "the high thinking part of their brain isn't as strong as others" or some stupid thing like that, but I don't know about all that. I'm just ready to meet others who think similar to me, who actually think things through, and even though they might not make the right decisions necessarily, but are capable of knowing right from wrong, and willing to accept everything that comes with a decision. However, I'm stuck here, being "the most mature person [people] know" and making zero progress.