Wednesday, October 7, 2009

For My Gurrrrl.

So today, i was talking with a close friend of mine, who is having a hard time.

I felt bad, because I couldn't lie to her, and tell her things would get better, or easier, or anything. All I could do is tell her, bluntly, was "i'm sorry, but things just get more complicated as time goes on. You're at a rough part, i know, I've been there, but things aren't going to get any easier."

Routines. If you have the same boyfriend for a long period of time, it's hard not to just go for their hand, or give them that extra long, warming, hug, or sometimes feel like you should go in for a kiss. That's what you're use to, and that's all there is to it. It's hard to break those habits, and it's even harder for you to see that they could just pick up those habits quickly with others. If you never felt like this, you haven't been in a good relationship yet.

I think it's hard to get over people if it was a good relationship for any period of time. You should feel something after it. Like wishing things were better. If you don't, it wasn't worth your time, and you should feel dumb. I'm not making fun of anyone, because I've been there too, but really, as sad as it sounds, you should strive to look for these things. Strive to look for the people who can hurt you. Look for the people who have possibilities of making greatness with you. Even if you don't make greatness, those are the people you need. Because you know if something, one little variable was different, things would be amazing. And everyone deserves amazing. Striving for it should be your motives behind everything. I've you don't think about going back ever, I'm sorry. Doubting if you made good choices to let things leave, or for you to leave, tells you that that person was totally worth your time, and that you almost got it right. You're were close, but you also know that they are not for you, which is one down out of 6 billion people in the world. That's something.

So girl, i'm sorry you're going through such hurt, i've been there, but know that you're headed in the right direction, whichever way that is, because things COULD have been great, but life happens and sometimes things fall apart, but someday, you'll find something that won't, and you'll know that as their variables change, and yours too, you'll find someone. And that at one time, things were perfect, even if they aren't now. That is definitely something you have to show for the time you spent with them. One day, you'll strike gold. You're too great not to. You're to gorgeous not to. You have a glow about you, and I hope that no one will take that away from you. I love you.