Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Seems like

Mother Nature is taking a piss on California right now.

When I think of California, I think of trees, sunlight, and weather above 70 degrees, beaches that aren't closed, and shorts.

Well, as you can tell, currently this depiction of California is far from what we have now.

The worst part is having school when it's like this. If I didn't have to hike around school, I'd be fine, then the rain wouldn't bother me, but right now, it's no fun, especially since one of my classes are across the street, so the endless puddles and lakes that are now forming are killing me because there is no way around it.

Let's just stay at home on rainy days? I think so.
it's definitely the perfect day to be lazy and watch movies or something, but I have no luck there. Thanks cheerleading and school.