Saturday, July 4, 2009


Manteaca, Ca. The place where I currently live. YOU'RE CHEAP AND UNPATRIOTIC! I"M CALLING YOU OUT!

Okay, so if you know me well, I'm not one to be into being super patriotic, because frankly, some of my countries decisions and ignorance doesn't completely satisfy me, especially when you compare it to other countries and their standards. Such as Sweden, or I think it's Sweden. As a standard, they learn 5 languages by the time they're like, 5. Truly amazing.Why isn't the United States, the best country in the world, not living to this standard? I hear people complaining all the time about having to take Spanish in high school to "cater to the immigrants who are too lazy to learn english", when really, since Spanish is a Latin based language, it helps you with your english vocabulary by learning root words and such. I think it should be a standard to learn to sign. However, it's the united states, we're lazy...I get it.

okay, now that I'm done with that side rant, here it comes, my main reason for writing this. Manteca decides to celebrate Independence day, the most important day to American heritage, A DAY EARLY! That's right. Now you may think this is no big deal...but think about it. They did it to save money. There is nothing about that that says "I'm proud to be an American" That says to me, "I'm a celebrated American when I choose it's the right time." Manteca, you're cheap, and celebrating it on a day that is was not intended for makes me wonder...How bad of shape did our get ourselves into that puts money in front of our own heritage? As unpatriotic as it seemed to me, i suppose it's the American way.