Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I suppose the sexual orientation of a person is somewhat personal, however, I think that people shouldn't be afraid to be open with the world about it.

I was raised in a very accepting and understanding environment. So naturally, most social factors such as sexual orientation, culture, and gender roles, can be very different from what is considered traditional, and it's all good with me. I enjoy diversity. I enjoy people being different from myself. I enjoy all people. I'm a humanitarian pretty much, and love that fact that there is such things as HUMAN rights, and laws that help protect people to be individuals and celebrate all that composes them.

So just as others don't understand homosexuality, I don't understand not understanding it, or not accepting it, or being prejudice against it. All people deserve the to not have a predetermined, cookie cutter like, perception about them just because of ONE factor that makes them. There are so many different kinds of people out there, how can one say that they will not like a certain person because of ONE thing.

Homosexuality. It is one thing that i think makes our world and social environment GREAT! It changes it up a little bit. Gives you different perspectives. I'm in support of ALL love. I wish there were more people open to this support of different kinds of love. Let's not forget that there was a time when interracial couples weren't accepted. Let's not forget that interracial couples are sometimes STILL not accepted, even in the united states. Let's not forget that DIVORCE was once NOT an option. Let's not forget that there was a time when you couldn't get a decent job when you had a visible tattoo. It's time to wake up to the real world. These are real situations, and weather you accept it or not, weather it goes against tradition or no, their presences is there, it's a driving force, and exists weather you like it or not. It'll be there, and there is no amount anything that should make one feel any hesitation to being who they are, to love whomever they please, and to be able to be open about it.

It is estimated that the world's percentage of homosexuals is somewhere between 5 and 15 percent. That's a lot of people. Let's just say it's roughly the amount of people living in the united states.

I don't think I will ever understand how people can not like homosexuals, be non accepting of them, or attack them in any way. But life goes on. The way I see it, people are just people, you can't help who you fall in love with, and a persons sexual orientation shouldn't have a factor at all when it comes to how you treat them. They're just people wanting to live life how they feel is right, no more special than you or me.