Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My boyfriend Michael.

My man. This guy is the one that dazzles me. I can talk to him about everything and anything. I adore him. I was just talking to him about not knowing what to write about, and he told me to write about him...well it was more like "write about how much you want my body" followed with a winky face. So here it goes...My Blog on Michael.

He cares for his body. I think it's super sexy and I LOVE that he has nice muscles and isn't overly obsessed with working out. Like, he's just hella solid and that makes me really appreciate being close to him, because feeling those muscles is just hot. I love to hug and cuddle with him ALWAYS.

Another thing that may sound a little creepy...but not too much, is that he smells nice ALL THE TIME. I like that. I mean, who wouldn't? I just talked to him about this today, and he thought that I might have not liked the way he smelled because I didn't say anything, but I just didn't want to sound weird. Oh, and he is always dressed nice. Like, not coming over in sweats and shit, not that that's too important...but I still like it. His clothes compliment that hot body underneath it too.

Then there's the things he says. I don't know why but they just makes me feel good. He calls me babe, and it's cute to me. I never thought I would like that kinda stuff, and with him I do. I like that he texts me in the morning, and wishes me goodnight and asks me what I'm up to. He's always down to watch a movie with me, and doesn't care if us hanging out just consists of getting a slurpee. it's never a dull moment. I look forward to chillin with him always and really like that he's my boyfriend.

Michael. This was suppose to be about how I want your bod....but it's just about you in general.
But I guess all these things contribute to how I want your bod ;)