Monday, June 29, 2009


First off, RIP Michael Jackson. I don't understand how people can not mourn his death. Although he had a rough few years, there is no denying the impact he had on the world around us. Pop culture, American culture, World culture. He was one of the biggest idolized people around, like, ever. Everyone has a memory of him. I'm choosing to remember him for all that he was really for...the king of pop culture. His music is wonderful and that's all that's going to be in my head when i think of him from time to time, since I know it will happen.

Billy Maize...or however you spell his name. He's actually a lot more popular that you think he would me. He was a common topic of conversation at my work. His products and his booming voice will also be remembered.

Last of all, the concept of death. I'm not afraid of it. Not at all. As weird as it sounds, if I knew I was dying, I wouldn't really live too much different. I might want to try more new things, but that's no more special that what I"m doing now, which is the same. Death comes, it's the inevitable, and I'm okay with that. i've accepted it. I don't understand people being afraid of death. It's going to come weather you like it of not. Maybe i"m just weird, but death doesn't bother me.