Thursday, May 7, 2009


wow, it's strange how one simple action could just make you feel sooooo wonderful.
opening a door for someone makes them feel special.
giving a call just to see how someone's been lately makes them feel important.
asking someone how their day is going, even if it's the morning, can make a heart sing.
It's very simple to put light into someones day and just make things a little better.

but just as easy as it is to make someones day, it's just as easy to break it.
we all know how it is to have a bad day,
and when it's your bad day, the least you want to hear is something mean.
Suicide can be based off of one person's actions.
One comment of "wow, get the hell out of here" or something of that variety is so powerful.
How come the hurtful things affect the heart so much more than nice things?

Challenge: Do 3 good things for someone deserving, random, and new everyday. Three separate people. It's not hard. Tell them you like their shoes. Open a door for them. Be the person that makes their day.