Sunday, August 16, 2009

post-coital cigarette

I was walking home the other day, and some people I was walking with started talking about smoking, and how cliché it was. And the only thing I could think of was why people smoke after sex. Okay, so i've never done that, but I've seen it on TV and stuff, and thought, why do they do that? I know smoking is an addiction, but I didn't know why they did that right after sex. So I did some reasearch as I often do when I have time, about something that's boggled my mind. So this is what I came up with.

After sex isn't really the thing. It's suppose to be after an orgasm. And why do they do this? Because the chemicals going through their bodies gives them a rush, right, and basically makes you feel real good. To intensify this is to smoke because it cuts of some sort of circulation to your brain, giving you this high after. So people do this to feel EVEN BETTER after feeling good.


After reading this, it also said some other silly things such as after sex game boying. lol. As silly as that sounds, I thought it was funny and bizarre and pretty much the geekiest thing you can do after sex.

you learn something new everyday, right?