Thursday, November 5, 2009


Yesss, it's happening still.
Football season is actually almost over, AMAZINGLY.
So, I had a conversation with my swim coach(Mrs. Silva/Ruble), pretty much one of my favorite people EVER, and she was asking me if I still fight the good fight. Of course my answer is yes, but lunchbag chimes in, and tells her that I have conformed A LITTLE.
Now, I wouldn't really call it conforming, more of, being cliche.
So here it is, how I'm being a cliche, sterotypical cheerleader.
Okay, so I'm kinda interested, and he's really interested.
This are, confusing to say the least. I, the girl who was known as the girl who does this *swings arms around in poor conducting imitation*, now am a cheerleader.
I wish I could say it didn't change my status, and maybe it's wrong of me to say this, but I think it has. I don't think this guy would talk to me if He didn't see me parade around in my little uniform. I would have never caught his eye, sparked any interest, or even know my name. This may be incorrect, but this is how I feel.
So interested you may ask? why?
Well, I don't know really. Here I am, like "nahhhh, not the guy for me" and originally I really thought he only asked me to the movies because he wanted a free one, and I'm the one that could hook it up...he claims this wasn't the case. Sooooo, I don't know what it is about him that makes me interested. I mean, we're totally different. Different taste in everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. I don't know why, but when we chill, it just comes so natural. effortless. Nothing is trying, or rought, it's no work. Sure, we already got into a disagreement, but everything just seems so realistic, and it's relaxing. So why am I NOT his girlfriend. Heyyy, good question.

He's asked me. More than once. He's sincere I think. I don't know what the hold up is, and my mom that I shouldn't torcher him, because I already feeeel we're a couple really. If I was to leave him, I'm pretty sure he'd be mad. What I DO know i'm waiting for is for something to fall through, sadly. Yeah, I know, I'm sick. lol. Also, I'm waiting to be proved wrong.

Into the life of a Cheerleader....AWESOME. it's a lot of long practices, fun dances, and so far really putting STRESS in my life.